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Electric Car Charging for common representatives and condominium managers

As the number of electric cars increases, charging at home is becoming increasingly important. In family houses, this can be solved relatively easily, but apartment residents do not have to give up the advantages offered by charging at home either.

Among the advantages is the convenience, since there is no time limit for charging. In addition, this is the most cost-effective solution for electric car charging: it is four times cheaper than street charging.

There are several types of apartment car charging. On the one hand, we can group them based on those authorised to use them, according to which network they are connected to, and whether charging is done individually or in groups.

The ability to install electric car charging in apartment buildings is always a point of question. This depends on the state of the condominium's electrical network and the available capacity in the private/shared meter.

In order to install an electric car charging station in the apartment building, it is inevitable that you, as a joint representative, get to know the different solutions, options, and the aspects of a safe installation.

What do we offer?

What is condominium electric car charging?

Condominium electric car charging is home charging implemented for condominium residents. With this type of charging, an electric car charger is placed ins the apartment building, which can be used by one or more residents. The advantage of charging a car in a condominium is that you don't have to wait for street chargers and pay the price of street charging, which can be up to four times higher.

Why is it important to charge an electric car in a condominium?

In the past year, there have been many changes that prioritize electric car charging in condominiums. The number of electric cars is increasing every year, and public charging will become significantly more expensive in January 2023.

For these reasons, home charging will be increasingly prevalent in the future, so it is worth preparing as soon as possible for the increase in car charging needs in apartment buildings as well.


In many apartment buildings, the need has already arisen, which in most cases the residents solve themselves. This will most likely result in different brands of chargers in the garage, which is not a problem in the initial period.

In a year or two - when all residents will no longer have the opportunity to request a charger - it will be necessary to introduce a unified system. For this, the chargers need to be of the same brand, need to be  suitable for energy management, and need to be able to communicate with each other (this is often cloud-based, one element of which is the modbus meter). This would mean that the residents who have already bought a car charger would have to replace it, which would be a big expense for them.


In order to avoid this, it is worthwhile to assess the medium and long-term needs in advance, and start implementing the electric car charging in the apartment building accordingly. As a joint representative, it is worthwhile to find a solution that ensures the charging of electric cars in the apartment building in the long term.

Why is it worth expanding the condominium with an electric car chargers?

Providing an electric car charging option increases the satisfaction and comfort of residents with an electric car. In addition, the presence of electric car chargers increases the property's value and appeal to potential buyers and tenants. More and more potential buyers or tenants are looking for suitable charging options for electric vehicles, which can be a differentiating factor between apartment buildings.

What types of apartment electric car charging are there?

There are two main types of electric car charging in condominiums, the shared charger and the private charger.

One option is to install a shared charger that can be used by several residents in turn. This is a good solution if there are no private parking spaces in the apartment building.

In the other case, the resident's own charger will be built in his own parking space, which only he can use. This solution can be used if there are designated spaces in the parking lot.

The types of electric car charging in the apartment building can be broken down even further in the case of a private charger, based on the following criteria.

  • Uniformity of solution

  • Connection point/ network used

Based on the uniformity of the solution

One of the most common questions regarding the installation of an electric car charging station in an apartment building is individual installation or a unified infrastructure. It's best to let the residents choose.

The individual installation of the electric car charging in the apartment building means that the residents solve the installation of the charger separately.


In the case of a unified infrastructure, a central system is built connected to the common meter, which allows all residents to install an electric car charger, optimally distributing the available energy.

The condition for this is that chargers of the same brand are installed and that subsequent new entrants also connect to this system.

Based on connection point/network used

Individual construction can be done from the resident's own meter or from the community meter of the apartment building. The third option is to open the new meter, which means that the resident requests a new meter from the service provider, which he uses exclusively for electric car charging.

This is a long and time-consuming process, so we primarily recommend connecting to the existing network.


The own meter means that the given resident connects to his own consumption meter, which also powers the other electrical equipment. Cabling to the resident's own parking space starts from here.


A second possibility is the common meter , when the resident is connected to the communal meter of the apartment building. Cabling to the resident's own parking space starts from here.

A két megoldás előnyeiről és hátrányairól bővebben a GYIK szekcióban írtunk, amiket az alábbi táblázatban foglaltunk össze.

Saját óra / közös óra
Saját óra
  • Költséges, ha a parkolóhely messze van az órától

  • Korlátozott töltési sebesség

  • Esetlegesen órabővítés szükségessége

  • Könnyen nyomon követhető fogyasztás

  • Kiépítés egyszeri költség

Közös óra
  • Nehéz a fogyasztás nyomon követése

  • Hosszútávon kapacitáshiányt okoz

  • Gyors és költséghatékony megoldás

  • Egyszerűbb kivitelezés

We have prepared a summary of the details, implementation, and financing of the various solutions, which can serve as a guide for choosing the right type of electric car charging for apartment buildings.

How do I know if the current electrical infrastructure of the building is suitable for electric car charging?

The adequacy of the current electrical infrastructure to supply electric car charging depends on the condition of the mainline electrical network .

An on-site survey by an expert company is required to check the adequacy of the electrical network.

However, there are factors that are necessary for the installation of chargers, such as the parking lot only being used by residents. The lack of certain conditions, such as the minimum capacity available in the common meter, prevent the installation.

An on-site survey by an expert company is required to check the adequacy of the electrical network and to establish the possibility of installation.

Under what conditions can the apartment building's electric car charging network be installed?

The condominium electric car charging network can be installed if the following conditions exist.

  • The electrical network is in good condition

  • Fire zone boundaries are properly established

  • The parking lot/garage can only be used by residents

  • There is a minimum capacity in the community clock (at least 3*16 A)

Under what circumstances can the apartment building's electric car charging network not be installed?

The condominium electric car charging network cannot be installed if the following conditions exist.

  • The apartment building's mains network is outdated

  • Fire zone boundaries are not properly established

  • The parking lot/garage may not only be used by residents (e.g. in the case of panels)

  • The capacity in the community meter is low (less than 3*16 A)

About Evergy - Why choose us?

Evergy is a company specializing in the installation of electric car chargers, and has its own construction team.


We provide a fast and safe solution for building charging at home.

Advantages of Evergy.

  • A long-term solution

  • Comprehensive service

  • Zero cost to the condominium

  • Increases property value

Azonos töltőkből álló aut�ó töltő infrastruktúra


Our system can be expanded, so it solves the charging of cars in the long term, sparing you the extra work.

Emberek néznek különböző elemzéseket


We will help you every step of the way, from the initial request, to implementation and operation.

Számológép és persely jelképezi a megtakarítást

Zero costs for the condominium!

The installation of the car charging system does not cost anything for the condominium and the residents who do not require charging.

Ház átadása

Increase in property value

Electric car chargers  increase the value of the building and makes it more advantageous in the eyes of potential tenants.

What does the process of installing a condominium electric car charger look like?

Contact us!

You can contact us by:

1. The form on the right by filling it out. Our colleagues will contact you within a few days. 

2. Using one of the contact details on the contact page.

Kapcsolatfelvételi form

Let us know your request and we will help you in the next steps of the process!

Such offers require the approval of the general assembly. 

If requested, we will be happy to go to the assembly to present the offer and answer any question they may have. 

You can find answers to frequently asked questions on our FAQ page.

Based on the on-site survey, we will prepare an offer for you!

When making an offer, we take into account the available capacity, the length of the wiring between the meter and the charger, and the type of car.

For more information on our services you can read our services page

Request our free on-site survey!

Our technical colleagues will go to your apartment at a time agreed with you and assess the available capacity. 

More about the on-site survey in our blog article  you can read. 

After accepting the offer, we will conclude a contract with you!

To draw up the contract, you will only need your data and a mutually agreed installation date. 

Together with the contract, we will also send you a fee request for half of the installation fee.

We help you asses your residents' charging needs!

We send out a needs assessment form and place information materials about charging options in the condominium.

This will make the needs management process smooth and easy.

Once the previous steps have been completed, the (central) system can be set up.

Depending on the type of offer, either a backbone network is built from which the chargers are branched off, or a radial system is set up.

On average it take 2 to 10 days to set up the system

After installation, we can also take over the operation of the chargers if required. 

Operation includes billing, maintenance, and technical assistance. 

Please contact us if you have any questions!

Residents who have requested a charger have it installed in their parking place. 

The installation is carried out by our qualified electricians in accordance with the standards.

The installation of the charger take on average half a day to one day.

How much does it cost to install an electric car charging system in a condominium?

The apartment building's electric car charging system is free of charge for the apartment building and for those who do not use the service.


We designed our electric car charging installation service in a way that  only costs for the users , the value of which depends on the chosen solution.


Evergy Kft. offers several different solutions for the construction of electric car charging in condominiums:

  • Individual installation from your own meter or community meter

  • Package offer

  • Service offer

The cost of installing an electric car in a condominium depends on the chosen solution.

You can read more about each solution on the electric car charger installation pages.


How do you bill condominium car charging?

The method of accounting for the charging of an electric car in a condominium depends on whether it was built with a private meter connection or a community meter connection.


In case of an own meter connection, the used energy is settled together with other consumers, so the cost of this will appear on the electricity bill. Thanks to this, the joint representative has no extra work.

In the case of community meter connection, the joint representative reads the consumption of the car charger from the sub-meter and invoices it to the resident as part of the joint cost.

What references do we have for the works completed so far?

A társasházi elektromos autó töltés elszámolásának módja attól függ, hogy saját órás vagy közösségi órás csatlakozással történt a kiépítés.


Saját órás csatlakozás esetén az energia elszámolása a többi fogyasztóval együtt történik, így ennek költsége a villanyszámlán fog megjelenni. Ezzel a közös képviselőnek nincs külön feladata.

Közösségi órás csatlakozásnál a közös képviselő az almérőről leolvassa az autó töltő fogyasztását és a közös költség részeként kiszámlázza azt az adott lakónak. 

A társasházi elektromos autó töltés elszámolásának módja megosztott töltő vagy egységes autó töltési rendszer esetén RFID kártyánként történik. 

Hogy történik a társasházi elektromos autó töltés számlázása?

Saját órás csatlakozás esetén nincs szükség külön számlázásra.

Közösségi órás csatlakozásnál megosztott töltőnél és egységes autó töltési rendszernél az elektromos autó töltés számlázása a közös költség részeként történik. 

Az Evergy tájékoztatja a közös képviselőt a társasházi elektromos autó töltők által felhasznált villamosenergia mennyiségéről (kWh) RFID kártyánként, és a közös képviselő ez alapján elvégzi a számlázást.

What references do we have for the works completed so far?

We have already installed more than 50 electric car chargers in apartment buildings.

What wall chargers are available for charging electric cars in condominiums?

Frequently Asked Questions

Helyszíni felméréssel kapcsolatos kérdések

Hogyan történik a helyszíni felmérés az társasházi autó töltés kiépítése előtt?

Mennyibe kerül az előzetes helyszíni felmérés?

Hálózattal kapcsolatos kérdések

Milyen körülmények között építhető ki a társasházi elektromos autó töltési hálózat?

Milyen körülmények között NEM építhető ki a társasházi elektromos autó töltési hálózat?

Egyszerre hány elektromos autót lehet tölteni a társasházban?

Mi az az energiamenedzsment és miért különösen fontos társasházak esetén?

Hogy működik az energiamenedzsment?

Milyen előnyei vannak az energiamenedzsmentnek?

Milyen hátrányai vannak az energiamenedzsmentnek?

Engedélyezéssel és biztonsággal kapcsolatos kérdések

Milyen engedélyek szükségesek a villanyautó töltési rendszer kiépítéséhez?

Kinek kell elvégeznie az engedélyeztetést?

Biztonságosak a garázsban elhelyezett elektromos autó töltők?

Mennyire biztonságos az elektromos autók töltése fedett garázsban?

Mely villanyautó töltők a legalkalmasabbak a társasházi elektromos autó töltésére?

Kiépítéssel kapcsolatos kérdések

Milyen előnyei vannak a saját órának?

Milyen hátrányai vannak a saját órának?

Milyen előnyei vannak a közös órának?

Milyen hátrányai vannak a közös órának?

Mennyi időbe telik kiépíteni a rendszert?

Később tovább bővíthető a már meglévő társasházi autó töltési rendszer kapacitása?

Üzemeltetéssel kapcsolatos kérdések

Kinek kell elvégeznie a társasházi elektromos autó töltés karbantartását?

Miért hasznos az RFID kártya elektromos autó töltéshez?

If you have further questions, consult our FAQ page or contact us by phone at +36 30 204 92 66 !

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