Electric Car Charging for companies
With the increase in the number of electric cars, company electric car charging is becoming increasingly prominent, which has many advantages. On the one hand, it is more cost-effective than charging at street charging stations, and also more time-saving. On the other hand, since this opportunity appears as an expectation for more and more employees, company electric car charging can be a competitive advantage over other companies.
We generally distinguish between two types of company electric car charging, the AC (alternating current charger) is slower, while the DC (direct current) charger provides faster charging.
In order to choose the right charger, many aspects must be considered, such as the power available in the property or the profile of the company.
To take advantage of the benefits, it is vital to choose a car charger that meets the company's needs. That is why it is important to have the necessary information before setting up the company's electric car charging station.
Electric car charger installation
Az Evergy három különböző célcsoportnak kínál megoldást az elektromos autó töltő telepítésre.
Elektromos autó töltő telepítés munkahelyen
Elektromos autó töltő telepítés társasházban
Elektromos autó töltő telepítés családi házban
A részletekhez válaszd ki melyik célcsoport érdekel, majd kattints a megfelelő szekciónál a lefelé mutató nyílra.
Elektromos autó töltő telepítés munkahelyen
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